Monday 18 August 2008

How We Work

We work with Deity, most often described as the Goddess. She is both Brigid and Beansidhe. Her son and consort is the God.

And we recognise that other Pagans perceive Deity in other ways.

We work with the wheel of the year, celebrating Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine, and Lughnasagh, the equinoxes and solstices.

And we recognise that other Pagans work with other festivals.

We work in circles, with elements and quarters.

And we recognise that there are other ways of performing magic and doing ritual.

We work with people who are interested in taking their magic, their Deities, their service and their lives seriously.

And we take rest, restoration, play and relaxation very seriously.

We work on the basis that community is a Pagan virtue, one that has more responsibilities than rights, where the group has more importance than the individual.

And we know that sometimes people need time alone and community support in order to function well in, with and for community.

We're not perfect, we're not sure what perfection might look like, how or even if it might be attained.

And we believe the thoughtful, friendly search for something that might be good enough is a worthwhile way to spend time.

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